Easy Instant Pot Pho

First of all, You are amazing *Pho-real*!! The instant pot helps make any dish super fast and easily without having to go through all the efforts of cooking the meat separately, boiling the veggies, and wasting unnecessary amounts of time for no reason. These wondrous pots are perfect for cooking multi-ingredient dishes with different components.… Continue reading Easy Instant Pot Pho

The Crunchiest, Scrumptious, and Crispiest Vegetarian Treat

Thought of the day, is a vegetarian allowed to eat animal crackers? Vegetarian dishes might be taken as simple, and boring without the meaty fun but that’s just their misperception. Nature has gifted us with so many vegetables and herbs and crops that give us so many options to experiment and create some amazing dishes. … Continue reading The Crunchiest, Scrumptious, and Crispiest Vegetarian Treat

Recipes that Taste Better the Next Day

Diet day 1: I have removed all the leftover food from the fridge, it was delicious! According to a study conducted by the Institute of food technologists, the flavors in some dishes can get elevated with all the chemical reactions that occur overnight. These chemical reactions result in more flavor molecules in the contents of… Continue reading Recipes that Taste Better the Next Day

The Best Saturday Morning Pancake Recipes

Honey comes from bees, but pancake comes from heavens Pancakes are not a novelty to anyone who gives the least bit of importance to breakfast. They are best served warm with a light fluffy texture and sweet lovely syrup. Pancakes are associated specifically with breakfast because they have eggs, milk, flour, and sugar in them. … Continue reading The Best Saturday Morning Pancake Recipes

Mouth Watering Flourless Chocolate Cakes

Chocolate comes from Cocoa which is a tree, so chocolate is basically a Salad!  Who here doesn’t love chocolate? If they don’t, they lyin! End of discussion. There are many ways to elevate chocolate and A chocolate cake is the ultimate answer. Soft, sweet, a bit bitter, dense taste yet light texture with a  glossy,… Continue reading Mouth Watering Flourless Chocolate Cakes

Perfect Appetizers for Cold Weather

“Laughter is brightest when food is great” Appetizers in the culinary world have their origin in Old Greece and Rome, where people used to serve fruits, cured meats, cheeses, and olives as a start to the lavish grand dinners. This royal tradition is adapted, sophisticated, and enhanced by us Americans. Appetizers are now fully-fledged side… Continue reading Perfect Appetizers for Cold Weather