Vegetarian Easter Meals

Hello and welcome to this recipe guide that helps you celebrate Easter and spoil your friends and family with great food without the daunting task of devising a wholesome vegetarian menu.  This delicious, decked out dining table with a spread of soup, salad, appetizer, main dish and dessert is surely gonna make you forget that… Continue reading Vegetarian Easter Meals

The Crunchiest, Scrumptious, and Crispiest Vegetarian Treat

Thought of the day, is a vegetarian allowed to eat animal crackers? Vegetarian dishes might be taken as simple, and boring without the meaty fun but that’s just their misperception. Nature has gifted us with so many vegetables and herbs and crops that give us so many options to experiment and create some amazing dishes. … Continue reading The Crunchiest, Scrumptious, and Crispiest Vegetarian Treat